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Shabbat Services

Shabbat Services – Get to know us by attending a Shabbat Service.  B’nai Chaim holds Shabbat services on the first Friday night of each month, 7:00 PM, and two weeks later, on Saturday morning, 10 AM.  Usually services are held at B’nai Chaim, however check the calendar as an “Out & About” Service might be scheduled in a different location.

B'nai Chaim's services are warm and informal and follow mainstream Reform practices. We consider music to be an important element of prayer and encourage everybody to participate.  After services, we welcome you to our Oneg Shabbat as we celebrate together the arrival of Shabbat and other special occasions.

Children of all ages are welcome to all Shabbat Services.  On Sunday, during the Religious school year, 30 minute services designed as beginner prayers for children start the morning at 9:00 AM.  Singing and clapping is encouraged.  All are welcome to these weekly services.

The services are led by Rabbi Kim Harris. Please check calendar for all dates and times.


Holidays and Festivals

B'nai Chaim celebrates Jewish holidays and festivals including S'lichot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Passover, and Purim with services, social events, shared celebrations with outside agencies, and celebratory meals as appropriate. Using holiday events as forums, B'nai Chaim offers social, educational, and worship opportunities for its community.

Readings for the High Holidays from our prayer book, "Gates of Repentance", are available, by page number. 



This Sanctuary

Each of us enters this sanctuary with a different need.

Some hearts are full of gratitude and joy:  They are overflowing with the happiness of love and the joy of life. They are eager to confront the day, to make the world fairer; they are recovering from illness or have escaped misfortune.

And we rejoice with them.

Some hearts ache with sorrow: Disappointments weigh heavily upon them , and they have tasted despair; families have been broken; loved ones lie on a bed of pain; death has taken those whom they cherished.

May our presence and sympathy bring them comfort.

Some hearts are embittered: They have sought answers in vain; ideals are mocked and betrayed; life has lost its meaning and value.

May the knowledge that we too are searching, restore their hope and give them courage to believe that not all is emptiness.

Some spirits hunger: They long for friendship; they crave understanding; they yearn for warmth,

May we, in our common need and striving, gain strength from one another, as we share our joys, lighten each other's burdens, and pray for the welfare of our community.

Prayer book meditation by the late Rabbi Chaim Stern


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785